Tuesday, May 18

Wonders of Cleaning: Blood stains, Grease, and Sink drains

Okay so I'm really bad at cleaning, but I'm getting better. There are somethings that are like magic, and therefore more fun to clean than others. My favorite things to clean with are therefore hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, and baking soda. 

Hydrogen Peroxide is really good with blood stains. I mean really good. I didn't even have to scrub. I just blotted with a cotton ball, and they were gone. 

Vinegar when mixed with water is really good at getting grease off of the wall behind  my stove. 

And, I needed to unclog my drain, but I couldn't get down far enough with my needlenose pliers, and draino is too expensive. So I pushed two-ish TB of baking soda down the drain, poured in some vinegar and closed the drain with the plug. I waited 15 minutes to let it do its thing, and then flushed the drain with boiling water. Holy cow...so cool. 

Cleaning is definitely the weakest of my household skills. I found that it's much better to do it all in one push than try to get myself start again after I've stopped. And it's much more motivating to pick up a few things to keep it clean, than staring at a dirty room that needs to be cleaned. However, I do the later more often than I do the former unfortunately.